Kilkenny Suds

Kilkenny, Ireland is the home of Smithwick’s brewery.  Nevertheless, Guinness is also a popular brew (despite the fact that it is brewed in Dublin).  Here are a few reflections I found while pursuing the streets of Kilkenny last fall, with my mom.

Memories of Kilkenny

Reflection from Upper John Street, Kilkenny.

Reflection from Upper John Street, Kilkenny.

View south, down Upper John Street, Kilkenny.

Early morning view south, as seen from Kilkenny’s Upper John Street.

Door to a courtyard beer garden along Lower John Street, Kilkenny.

Door to a courtyard beer garden along Lower John Street, Kilkenny.

Bustling, Breathtaking Kilkenny

Here’s a view from the Kilkenny bridge.  I took this on our September visit, but it was every bit as beautiful when I visited with Mom last weekend.

“When will we go in Ireland?”

When I texted this photo of St. Canice’s interior to my (awesome) sister-in-law Lucy she texted back:

Christopher (age 2) wouldn’t stop staring at the image on the screen.

David (age 4) asked, “When will we go in Ireland?”  That’s exactly what I want to know!  How I miss my nephews (and their parents).

St. Canice’s nave.

Giant Irish Deer

Giant Deer roamed Ireland 10,000 years ago.  The soil here (bogs of peet in many places) is a good preserver.  They’ve found many interesting fossils in the bogs, including human remains.

In Thurles, Dave and I saw an impressive set of antlers hanging in the dining room of the castle. And in Kilkenny, my Mom and I saw another set in the dining room of the Rothe House.  These antlers haven’t been hanging her too long (in Irish terms).  They were uncovered only in 1900.

They have been hung at the height the deer’s head would have stood above the floor.  An impressive creature, no?  The informational plaque depicts what he would have looked like during his lifetime.

Antlers of a Giant Irish Deer.

Description posted at the Rothe House in Kilkenny

High Tech in Kilkenny

A vist to the Rothe House in downtown Kilkenny, with Mom.

We learned a bit about technology over the centuries during our visit to Kilkenny’s Rothe House this weekend… everything from timber frame construction, to cooking techniques, to fashion.

The Rothe House also provided a diagram of the garderobe, to help you understand the toilet system used throughout Europe from the medieval ages until the Industrial Revolution.  Unlike this one, in most of the castles around Kilkenny, the garderobe was inside the wall and accessed through a corridor in the wall. They hung clothes in this corridor, because the acid in the air deterred mites and bugs.

Of course, there’s always been the option of a chamber pot.  I’ve provided a reflection shot of an antique shop that has two chamber pots for sale.