Lovin’ the Dub

It’s vacation time of year here in Dublin, and friends are making a point of catching up with me before they go on holidays and I return to the States . It’s been such fun catching up with people I enjoy… like Eileen, Joe, Nancy, and Tom.

Fulbright helped me connect with such interesting folks… teachers, scholars, engineers, linguists, musicians, and technology gurus… and that was just yesterday!

Music Video of Dublin

According to artist Matthieu Chardon:

Dublin is one of the most amazing city in Europe, thanks to the people, raw landscape, warm atmosphere, history, culture and parties. Ireland in its all is even better.

He shot this time-lapse footage of Dublin in November 2012 and edited it in December.

It gives an authentic taste of this city.  I love it!

Fabulous Four

I’ve adored baby David since the moment I heard he was on the way.

Now that he’s four years old, young David is one of the kindest people I know.  He’s a genuinely sweet kid who loves being a big brother.  He tries to help out around the house and be a good example to the two younger kids in the family.

He enjoys learning new things and receiving interesting gifts from afar, like foreign currency and the skeleton keys Uncle Dave and I brought him from France last summer.